
Tuesday, 25 July 2017


If you kick it goes  high up ?
It grows in the jungle ?
What is white and black and it moves
What has fire



       My dad
                 He is weird
           Likes to watch my cricket
         He looks after me all the time


Thursday, 6 July 2017

genius hour

My genius hour was helping poor people
Shanil helped me for doing that we got some good ideas like what should we
Do to  help the poor people give them
Money of a home i gave them lot’s of
Money like 20 dollars to all the poor people
Who were on the streets so they could
Get some food for them to eat so they

Hetley and so they don’t be hungry

Monday, 3 July 2017

fruits in te reo

art day

I liked the Maori art because it had lot’s of colors in it like art I saw Janine’s art she made   a rino she was doing
Crochet i felt socked . I saw a painter
he was doing transformers art i said
To him did you this transformer yes
I did do this i was like how can he do this.